Clothing Comfort
Take a piece of your parent’s clothing and make it into something else you can keep.
Making Videos
You could record stories, sing songs or capture laughter.
Family Flag & Motto
Make a family flag combining different things that each family member likes.
How Can I Help?
You might want to start helping out with jobs around the house.
Worry Chatterbox
Making a worry chatterbox is a different way of sharing and talking about your worries.
Daily Time Table
A daily timetable to stick on the fridge can be help to know what’s happening
Lego Building
It could be the most colourful wall of bricks, or a whole imaginary city.
Jewellery Making
Make necklaces and bracelets using beads, buttons or even dried pasta.
Recipe Book
Start collecting some favourite recipes. You could draw the ingredients.
Mobile Making
Decorate and cut out a mobile to hang in your bedroom, kithcne or den.
Den Building
Sometimes it feels good to have some alone time, and a space where you can be you.
Goodnight Sleeping
Find tips on how to try and get a goodnight sleep.
Balancing & Breathing
Did you know balancing and breathing differently can help you become calm?
Where Does It Hurt?
If feelings are stuffed inside us for too long they may cause aches and pains in the body.
Scream & Shout Box
A perfect way to get all the shouting and screaming out of you.
Angry & Mad Box
We need to get the anger out sometimes. This is a great way of doing it..
School Support Card
If you go to school and are having strong feelings, upir teacher can help.
Feeling at School Chart
Using this chart means your teacher knows how you are feeling.
A Card for a Good Friend
Write a card to a friend to let them know how they can help you.