Help with keeping calm
When life feels strange, and everything is different because your parent is sick, it can be very hard to keep calm. Sometimes even the tiniest thing creates an explosion inside you. Those explosions can be scary.
It’s good to have a few ways to calm down after inner explosions.
Here are seven different ways to try:
Be creative
Any creative activity that you enjoy doing can be a great way to relax you, and help let difficult emotions go. It could be:
Lego building, Drawing, Painting, Junk model making, Singing, Writing, Playing guitar, Collage making, Textile Design, Building a Minecraft world, Cooking
Escape the moment
Escaping the moment by doing something that absorbs you. If you are fully absorbed in some activity it can take your mind off of feeling rubbish. It can give you space which then allows you to return the moment feeling calmer. It might be: Reading, Watching TV, Gaming , Listening to music
Be active
Exercise can produce the body’s natural happy chemicals.
Exercise is moving your body. When your body is busy, your mind will be distracted from your worries. It could be: Running, Dancing, Football, Playing ‘it’ with friends, Swimming, Jumping, Skipping.
Counting can be calming because it focuses the mind on something else. So count to 10 or 50, or 100. Or count backwards.
It’s quite good to count slowly either out loud or in your mind. Count with slow and measured breathing. Repeat this until you feel your mind focus less on your stressful thoughts.
Chameleon – changing colour
Close your eyes and imagine you are filled up with a colour you don't like (this will represent the bad feelings you are feeling). Now imagine that there are taps in your feet and the colour you don’t like is running out, to be replaced with a nice colour you like coming in through your head. If you let the colour run out of the taps for about 2 mins you may feel better.
Build a snow globe
You need a jam jar and some glitter. Fill the clean jar with water and add a load of glitter. Screw on the lid and shake. [If you have some, you can add glycerine/baby oil to make the glitter fall slower]
The next time you are feeling mad and angry, shake your globe and watch the glitter settle. By the time the glitter has all fallen to the bottom you might be feeling a lot calmer.
Imagine your special place
This is the chance to design your very own special place in your imagination. This is a place where you can visit when you want to feel safe, secure, relaxed and happy.
Close your eyes, breathe slowly and think of yourself at that place using all of your senses. Focus on the details. So say it is your favourite park, imagine what each flower smells like? What noises can you hear? Is it a hot day? Your place can be an ocean, desert, island, forest, the inside of a castle, a cave, on the moon, a star, a planet far, far away or simply under the stairs. It may be outside in nature, inside a house, or from a picture or dream. It is your place, where you can be yourself. So if you feel stressed or unhappy you can simply close your eyes, take a deep full breath and go to your special place.
Find out more about difficult feelings you might experience.